My cat passed away, aged 17, yesterday. She had been my companion since I was six. I love her deeply and dearly. Most people will frown upon, thinking she was just a cat but anyone who has or had pets knows they are not just cats or dogs.
She ruined me for other cats. I don't think I will ever have a cat again, not for a long time at least. I had her since I was that age when I thought pets were just toys. She taught me that they aren't in the most cruel way: by biting, hissing and scratching. I still bear the scars. She was never easy, I had to win her over. Our relationship was done of playing until she, fed up with my endless pranks, would take revenge on me when I less expected. She never loved me unconditionally but instead she taught me that she had character and personality and that could never change even when,at last, we became friends.
I, on the other hand, loved her even more because she was more than a pet, she knew how to boss me around, she knew how to get my attention. Eventually, she won my heart, I will never know if I won hers but when she was old she would always look for me instead of my mother. There were things she only wanted me to do for her.
I will miss her high-pitched meowing, her warm fur, her blue eyes and her unbelievably strong personality. She was a small cat but the role she played in my life was huge.
Sometimes, those who are less capable of showing their feelings and emotions are those capable of leaving the deepest impression in our hearts and you, Gancina, were just one of those.
Actually, what I am saying is not fair to her. She might have not had a voice but she surely could express her emotions; like when she would sleep by the door when I was not home, when I was at school and she would sit all day in the armchair in my bedroom as she was guarding my possessions.
Gancina travelled; she knew the sound of a plane taking off, of a car braking and the sea. She was a brave cat who deeply trusted the people she loved. She went to France and Britain. She knew the sound of different languages.
Gancina, you taught me how to love and take care of others, how to respect others' needs and priorities. You taught me when I was very young and in need of good lessons. I am an only child, and I had just a few friends in my childhood, and I grew up and played with her like you would do with any other sibling.
You will be much missed Gancina but you will never be forgotten. The house must be empty without you. it is extraordinary how such a tiny little thing can leave a huge void when she goes.
I want to remember you running in the fields, chasing mice, hunting down crickets, birds and little snakes. I want to rememeber you like that because I am sure you were happy then. I hope that in cats heaven they have fields and mice to chase so you can be happy again.
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