
My Third Week, My Birthday and other events...

This was the week of my birthday..... Everyone who really knows me has a clear idea of how much I hate celebrating it. I hate those big parties, with loads of people (half of whom you probably don't even know) and the concept of forced happiness!Yes, forced happiness, because on your birthday you have to be happy. It doesn't matter if it has been the worst year of your life, if you are ill, poor, if you are living in a damp with no one who cares for you and provides for you...All of this doesn't really matter because it's your birthday!

On 6th I woke up with all these thoughts in my head and despite the fact that I didn't want to be sad, I was trying really hard to be cheerful! I was excited but at the same time I felt really lonely. Then it turned to be a great day, a memory that I will always cherish. Last week two of my colleagues decided to try an Ethiopian restaurant and so I suggested to go on my birthday so I wouldn't have been alone. They made the dinner all about me and one of them even baked a wonderful chocolate cake! Just one piece of advice for everyone: if you ever get the chance to try ethiopian cuisine do! ...it's amazing!!! It's a very different way of eating as you share the food with everyone else at the table but it's really tasty and the flavours....OMG so interesting! Yeah that's the word...I would describe the food as interesting!

The week went on pretty uneventful. I can't really say I enjoy my job but I do enjoy my new life! It is cool to have a job, a house in a new and international city, new housemates and friends. I feel like I'm learning every day. Everyday can be a chance to meet someone really interesting and cool. Life should always be like this. Sometimes I think we should all move somewhere new for a while, just like a sort of therapy to rediscover life and appreciate it again.

The job is helping me understand what I would really like to do! I'm sure I would love to do research in human rights. So I have been thinking about applying to this master's programme at UCL which teaches you research methods and key issues regarding human rights studies. It would be such a great experience but of course all depends on how much money I manage to save in my time here. We'll see...dreams are good for giving you hope and an aim in life!

Friday, yesterday, we all had dinner at a colleague's. Actually an ex colleague, it was a goodbye dinner. She finished her internship and she wanted to celebrate her last day with us. It was a nice evening and a bit sad because we had to say goodbye to another colleague who is now leaving Brussels for good!

Tonight, on the other hand, I am treating myself to a quiet night. I have the house all for myself which makes me feel a bit like a loser lol. Sometimes I need nights like this though when I can spend time by myself doing what I like. I spend all my week around people and I live with five other people, well at the moment 3 but still I see people all the time and there is a moment when I say: 'this is enough, I want to be on my own'. I don't like being lonely and I love meeting people and I have great friends with whom I would love to be right now, but quiet nights are still great! Also I am really tired...probably because I don't sleep enough and tomorrow I want to go running early in the morning. I don't think I can run again at 2 in the afternoon like last week!! 

This is my third week, people! Not a busy one like the last but still interesting! 

Next weekend will be in Bath!!! I'm so excited!!! Here we have two days off because it's the 15th August which for some reason is a bank holiday in Catholic countries, and so I am taking advantage of the long weekend to go home for a bit! I'm sure it will be a nice break from the hectic Brussels life.

Good night to everyone and enjoy your Saturday evening whether you are doing nothing like me or partying with loads of alcohol and people ;) 

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